Mission Critical: Realising the potential of teams

This webinar forms part of an open series we are planning to provide the broader societal & organisational contexts for using the Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) and the 6 conditions for effectiveness framework. Each webinar will focus on a specific condition or provide scope for appreciating the ways that effective teams contribute to the bigger picture.

You don’t have to be in space orbiting the planet or on your way to Mars to be part of a critical team, critical teams are present in all organisations. They may be developing the future revenue streams to keep the company pushing forward or they may be critical in delivering your current success.

Join Dr. Ruth Wageman, Dr. Krister Lowe & Pauline Willis for the first of these one hour sessions where you will learn about how the Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) and the 6 conditions for effectiveness framework relate and can help improve the performance of critical teams.

Register on the Team Diagnostic Survey website
